Definition of E-commerce



Electronic commerce or e-commerce refers to a wide range of online business activities for products and services. It also pertains to "any form of business transaction in which the parties interact electronically rather than by physical exchanges or direct physical contact.

E-commerce is usually associated with buying and selling over the Internet, or conducting any transaction involving the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods or services through a computer-mediated network.

In e-business, on the other hand, ICT is used to enhance one's business. It includes any process that a business organization (either a for-profit, governmental or a non-profit entity) conducts over a computer-mediated network. A more comprehensive definition of e-business is "The transformation of an organization's processes to deliver additional customer value through the application of technologies, philosophies and computing paradigm of the new economy." 


E-commerce : Role of e-commerce in today's business - IJCCR (no date). Available at: (Accessed: January 17, 2023). 

(no date) Available at: (Accessed: January 18, 2023). 
